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Information Technology Businesses For Sale in Jurong West

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2 Businesses For Sale
  • Electric  motorcycle startup company looking for VC and cofounder 5 Photo

    Jurong West

    Software Design and Development

    Electronic Manufacturers

    • Monthly Revenue: N/A
    • Monthly Net Profit: N/A
    • Rental: S$1,500
    Hi, we are tech startup in EV industry. Singapore local company, mission to build quality and performance product for electric motorcycle market. visit our at website: Update on29-NOV-2022, Our powertrain product already start small volume production and sal...
    Business For Takeover
    Look For Investor
    Look For Partner
  •  Profitable E commerce Store for SALE! 1 Photo

    Jurong West

    Ecommerce Websites and Online Stores

    • Monthly Revenue: S$30,000
    • Monthly Net Profit: S$10,000
    • Rental: N/A
    After several years of working for someone else - I just wanted to have my own business, be a boss for myself, independent working schedule. Wanted to enjoy financial freedom. E-commerce is an amazing platform to achieve work life balance. If I can do this so can you, i started this off with...
    Business For Takeover
    Look For Investor
    Look For Partner

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