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Business Brokers

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302 Brokers
  • Grace Chan

    Central Area

    KF Property Network Pte Ltd

    0 Listings
    Workshop for takeover F&B for takeover
  • Johnny Goh



    1 Listings
    We are a boutique financial service company established to offer business advisory and corporate services to the community of small businesses including start-ups, growing business, SME and investment portfolio companies under venture capital funds / private equity funds Our people have been CFO of SME and public listed company, private equity investment professional, chartered accountant, corporate banker, auditor and now a business owner of this boutique financial service company. After over 20 years of experience and skill sets in these corporate backgrounds, our people feel as though their contributions to the world, while necessary, are not truly making a difference in this world. They believe that their years of work for large business and financial corporates didn’t mean as much as using their experience, skill sets and time to support our small business community. Beyond the commercial world, our people are also involved in charitable causes and social sector capacity building, including advising charities and social organisations on financial matters. With our hands-on experience and motivation to make a difference, we are here to help with your needs in backend business support and challenges in financial and business management.
  • Jeremy



    15 Listings
    Broker and Consultant for : 1. Childcare 2. Education Institute
  • Ernest Choo


    Classe Capital Pte Ltd

    0 Listings
    With a wide connection of business owners and buyers and investors. With a team of dedicated consultants and brokers. We are very client and partner oriented to provide the best value. Our key points are SPEED and EFFICIENCY
  • Admin


    Goldhill Services

    0 Listings
    Expand and grow your Business to cash out with a big valuation? 💰 Local Banks Business & Personal loans 💰 Banks & Private Mortgage 💰 Invoice Financing + Factoring 💰 Pre-shipment 💰 Private Funding 💰 Private equities & Venture Capitals
  • Jess



    0 Listings
  • Chua Grace


    Grace Chua

    2 Listings
    I have vast experience of Retail / Wholesale business expertise. I am now brokering such companies. There has been many change of hands in business lately. Simultaneously, the job markets are being shaken. Many professionals with a pool of funds are shaken and looking for good opportunities out there. I can be of great help here. Always to assist in whichever way i can. Call me - 91590393 - Grace
  • Kim



    5 Listings
  • William Koh


    Cambridge Digital SG

    0 Listings
    Experienced Business Broker with Overseas Investors
  • Serene Ang


    Orangetee And Tie Pte Ltd

    0 Listings
  • Low


    Low Company

    0 Listings
  • Daryl Ng


    ERA Realty Network Pte Ltd

    0 Listings
    About Daryl, ERA Senior Division Director From army regular … to taking over family's traditional Building and Construction Business by revamping the systems and improvising company structure, pitching projects from both government and private sectors. One of the youngest business owner in the industry back than. Daryl Passion in the Real Estate industry made him advance into this sector, passing the revamp family business back and embark into this journey. His vast network and connection that was build from his previous business aids him into having an earlier success in this competitive industry. Being a veteran Real Estate adviser for more than 13 years, currently managing over 150 properties, investment portfolios, rebuilding of landed development for clients and companies as part of his After Sales services which till date is the most important factors of his success . Daryl have been assisting Small scales Developers and investors on Land space sourcing, manage and overlook on the entire process from sourcing of Contractors , designing to providing updates for the whole rebuilding process. Venturing into the overseas property market, specially in the UAE recently and have a vast network of contacts with renown local Developers and investors.
  • RINI


    Singapore Accounting and Business Services Pte Ltd

    0 Listings
    Marketing client company
  • Kailasam Sam

    Central Area

    SRI Pte Ltd

    5 Listings
    With more than 20 yrs experience in real estate especially in commercial and industrial. Dealing in all kinds of retail and F&B spaces.
  • Ran


    Vex Consulting Pte Ltd

    0 Listings
    Throughout the years, we have established a strong network of qualified business buyers and sellers in Asia.
  • Benny



    0 Listings
  • Quek Kim hock


    Global Alliance Property Pte Ltd

    0 Listings
  • Amy Tan



    0 Listings
    Senior Associate Director
  • Anthony Foo


    Admiralty Development Management Pte Ltd

    0 Listings
  • Mary Pang


    SGP Realty LP

    0 Listings
    In the business since 1998, I am the Key Executive Officer of SGP Realty LP, we specialise in commercial and industrial properties. We provide business consultation to overseas clients planning to invest in Singapore. We help client to tender for shops space with HDB, JTC etc Strong in Food and Beverage and coffeeshops

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