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Listing Id: 18781 Total Views: 3732

(Sold) Why You Should Not Ignore This!

Central Area

Date Closed: 03/12/2020

Asking Price: S$25,000


  • Premise Type N/A
  • Premise Size
  • Monthly Rental S$15,500
  • Rental Desposit S$45,000***
  • Revenue S$100K - 200K
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit S$50K - 100K
  • Net Profit S$20K - 50K
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Full Time
  • Staff N/A
  • Established N/A
  • Source Broker
  • ***Inlcude in the selling price

Reason For Sale



Dear All Buyers and Investors (B&I),

PLEASE READ ALL the information below we will explain clearly and simply, it will be useful to you; if you don’t finish reading this, you are likely the person who gives up / miss lots of good learning & opportunities without hearing or understanding the full picture.

Why you should not ignore this advertisement? Because this is REALLY the best opportunity in the market if you;
1. Are ready and sincerely looking for good passive income / multiple streams of income / wanting your money to work hard.
2. Do not have a high investment budget (below $200k).
3. This is your 1st experience OR does not have much experience in buying / investing in businesses. Have little or no experience to the business you are purchasing / investing.
4. Have little or no time you manage.
5. Are holding to a main job.

1a. Do you know that the number of people looking for good investment / passive income has been all time high. If you are 1 of them PLEASE take this message SERIOUSLY, not to believe us blindly but rather look at the facts. And yet why many is not able to see something so simple or straightforward is because they usually use emotions / skepticism / unrealistic / insufficient knowledge / always afraid to take a step.

Let us start…

2a. If you have do not have a high investment budget of $200k and above, you will have a hard time finding a good profiting business to buy OR allow your small investment to invest. Ask yourself if you have a good profiting business, will you allow someone to invest with $50k or $100k and be your partner or shareholder? Your answer will highly be NO. (A good profiting business minimally should be having a constant monthly net profit of $8k and above.) That is why acquisition and investing in business is usually carried out by wealthy individuals and big companies. That why we say the entry to good profiting business is high.


3a. Most Buyers and Investors (B&I) wanting to invest or buy a business are usually 1st timer or less than 2 or 3 attempts buying or investing businesses. Because of this, B&I does not have sufficient ways or knowledge to find a good investment. Many got burned from bad deals which made them skeptical on investing again in businesses. We have known many clients who has little or no knowledge on how to purchase or invest into a good business OR little to no knowledge in buying / investing in the business caused them to face difficult and maybe losses after taking over. We have it well planned out for you, read below.

Warren Buffett made his enormous wealth by buying and investing is businesses. Here is the latest news on him 22/02/2020, which we could learn a thing or two from it;

4a. After purchasing the business, you need to manage the business. That is depending own individual capabilities, experience and knowledge in the business and also the status of the business, depending how turnkey / dependency will determine how much time and effort is needed.

5a. Many B&I have a main job that preventing that from focusing much on the business they purchase / invest. But yet, they are looking for better alternatives to achieve passive or multiple streams of income.

With all being said, here is why you should not ignore this and why is the best if not 1 of the best opportunity in the market;

1. Best Opportunity - Firstly we have a good profiting business for you to invest in. Long history
2. Low Entry - We make possible entry of mere $25k and above to be co-owner / shareholder of the business.
3. Lawyer Escrow - Your investment sum will be held be a lawyer escrow account which the funds will ONLY be transferred if the favorable terms and conditions are being met. This also minimise fraud or scam.
4. Due-Diligence. Lawyer and accountant are being engaged to conduct the due-diligence (DD) of the company and the accounts. Many B&I does not engaged such services as they are costly.
5. High returns on investment. The current conservative returns are 25% to 45% per annum. You can hardly find such good returns in the market. The Due-Diligence by 3rd party accountant should indicate such potential returns hence such returns are not being exaggerated.
6. Ease of Exit. B&I should know that when you owned shares in SMEs businesses and wishes to sell your shares at certain time, it’s usually an uphill task for an individual. With us, a platform will be created to allow you to sell your shares at any time for whatever reasons.
7. Know Your Own Business. Most B&I will like to know more about the status of the business they invest in. Every month a shareholders meeting will be held for shareholders to know the status of the business. If only the listed companies have such practice to all shareholders as well.
8. Fast Dividend Pay-Out. Normally for most businesses, dividends are pay-out yearly but for us, dividends are pay-out every 3 months.
9. We Put Our Money Where Our Money Is. - We have invested our own money to the max value capped in the business as well.
10. Last and the Best of ALL, we are given a period of time where guaranteed minimum monthly net profit of $20k will be achieve. In simple term; Come and Experience this business for few months, if it does not shows you a good net profit of $20k per month, YOU CAN EXIT FROM THE DEAL AND TAKE YOUR INVESTMENT MONEY BACK! Not forgetting your investment money is kept by the lawyer till your favorable terms and conditions are being met.

So does the above 10 statements good enough for you? If it doesn’t, I recommend you do not waste more time looking around as I strongly believe you can’t find a better deal than this in the market. (By comparing apple to apple)

And if good for you, be ready! As we only have limited shares, which will be oversubscribe and all shares will be sold- off very soon.

Be ready to quickly visit our business and see it for yourself physically. We will share with you in-depth information and general financial about the business. Then only, with all the FACTS and FIGURES being shared to you, you are then able to evaluate yourself if the best opportunity that we claimed and if its good enough for you. Agree? And then be decisive…

Wasted no time to contact and booked an appointment with us.

Foreign buyers / investors, please leave a WhatsApp number for us to call you at.
When we call you to understand more from you, these questions may be asked:
1) What are you looking for in the market? (Buying a business / Passive income / Franchise, etc)
2) What will be a reasonable return on investment should you invest $50,000 per annum? (Not high or low but reasonable to you in terms of percentage annually. E.g. 0% to 100% of your investment returned)
3) How many businesses have you seen physically? (E.g. 0 to 20)
4) What is your investment budget? (E.g. $20,000 - $2,000,000)
5) What are your requirement for investing or buying a business? (Some may prefer certain trades only)

Do note this advertisement is created by ACI and there is a possibility that many will copy and follow our method in the future.

NDA acknowledgement is required for confidential information to be shared.

Parties who has no intent to purchase/invest should let us know prior to any information being shared. Identities of Agents / Broker are to be made known to us prior of any information being shared.

ACI takes serious view in such matters and will not hesitate to take legal actions against such attempts.

*Agents / Brokers identities be made known/declared during the initial communication with us.

Apologies to agents / brokers if you have clients that are interested, we pay good commission for referral, BUT agents / brokers need to identify themselves prior to any information being shared and certain information must remain confidential.

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