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Listing Id: 19788 Total Views: 3228

(Sold) 75K! WELL KNOWN PRINTING SHOP! Central Area, Ground Level Store. Low Rental, Highly Scalable

Central Area

Date Closed: 01/01/2021

Asking Price: S$75,000


  • Premise Type Shopping Mall
  • Premise Size
  • Monthly Rental S$4,000
  • Rental Desposit S$4,000***
  • Revenue S$10K - 20K
  • Liability S$2,000***
  • Gross Profit N/A
  • Net Profit S$5K - 10K
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE S$30,000***
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Investor
  • Staff 1
  • Established 2016
  • Source Direct Seller
  • ***Inlcude in the selling price

Reason For Sale

conflicts of views


Details: we are NOT like the typical printing companies, with large land space,big depreciate machines, labour and capital intensive.
We have a store front using to attract and build cusomters but we sub out to alias which have low production cost. moving towards media and tech but also remaining our core business.
exploring in progress with clear directions in future.we are youngest in industries 30yo which means most of the owners are old and do not want to advance to new tech and investments, didnt improve for years. very good time to come in since covid-19, many big boys in the market have close down/retired or suffering high damages. we print from papers to materials, cups, tee shirt, large format,outdoor installation, coporate gifts as such..Join us on a fun and exciting adventure today!
Best for :
we welcome full-time buy over owner/investor
new fresh entrepreneur/old bird business owner enthusiastic, highly motivated person,open minded learnerhave design skills (photoshop,canva,ai)web developing skills(shopify)tech person with knowledge on expansion businessbig investor have funds to chain store
We dont welcome or please skip us :low ballers, sleeping partners, negative spreader
Package include: inside-out information on markets,products,suppliers, are buying not just our brand but also our knowledge and connections. strategy, target audience, future plan, decision making, mindset, human interaction, business format, system and structure.machine worth over 30k all in good condition and have resale generating sales, sales funnels, stream of income market place accounts with reviews. facebook,ig,carousell as such. very highly scalable (niche treasure) in many ways. awesome location (thousands walking by everyday)low overhead/expenses, profiting even on covid days. no commitment and low subscription fee. no liabilities, only have assets.rolling cash needed 10k+-. customer payment is all cash/nets/paynow, no worries about no pay or delay payment from customer. lots of data base ranging from sme business owners,students, big companies.
cons which can be amand :guts too small, play too safe.never loan or owe money to bank before so no credit reports for future loans but can be done if needed.
What will happen when you come join us?money wise, paying to shareholder that buy out by will be joining us for all meetings and frontline work. BONUS! current 3 owner are business owners of other companies..
Reason for selling or need investors :conflict of shareholders, different directions thus causing delayment of improvement. too many voices in company.all shareholders have their own business to run.
how much in total : 75k for 100% for full ownership. 10k for rolling cash.

All numbers and content are genuine with evidence.
Contact me if sincere,whatsapp at 9832 0170 for more info

Business Operation

have about 6 printing machines mostly brand new with warranty, 3 windows computers with msft, photoshop, ai and needed software. 1 pos system. all purchase is with paper documents as evidences. total worth over 30k. website and social media which we build.
printing industry is somehow a kind of old industry which had battle for the longest time. offset printing with big bulky machines are being push out of the industry due to many reasons so digital are taking over which we are in. But there are mostly older generation doing it who do not adapt to changes due to many reasons which is good for us as we are front line, we not just using store front but also use social media and good customer services interaction with less time but quality effort that draw customers to us and sub it out to these older companies as they need our volume and lower prices to us. making us profitable in this loop hole within.
i truly believe by chain-storing this business is very scaleable as competitors are mostly in factories where we are moving into storefront with low expenses gaining most exposure and branding which customers stick to. since we are in this industry for years and singapore is small with Google knows everything, we can easily do research and know what location need what machine catering to what customers. no printing company is doing our way and we are already into it for years.
Expansion Potential
Support and Training
designs, business , web developer
Background & Skills

Property Information

Premise Status
Lease Term
printing hub
Premises Details

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