Want to work in Western food stalls and Roast Delight but don't know how to do it?
Want a chance to earn more, but don't know how?
Or investment and partnership?
Please contact us for more information on how to purchase franchise and operational training at a manageable fee.
請聯繫我們,了解更多有關如何以可管理的費用購買 特許經營權与操作培训信息
estimated cost
Franchise and training fee US$10,000 (single unit in Singapore)
Royalty: $400
Estimated initial capital: Starting from S$45,000 (depending on renovation costs, fixtures, equipment), excluding rental deposit.
Brand description
The older generation in Hainan inherits Western food and combines traditional Chinese and Western food with modern Western food.
Delicious comfort food at reasonable prices. In addition to combining traditional local cuisine with modernity and integrating into global culture, we also hope to provide food-loving individuals with the opportunity to become business owners and be part of the continuation of the local food movement in Singapore.
Comprehensive start-up support and training
We will provide you and your staff with the initial training required to manage and operate your store. Our on-the-job training approach ensures you are equipped to supervise and manage all aspects of your business. When your outlet opens, we will also send personnel to your outlet for early on-site supervision and guidance.
correct location
Our concept does not require a complicated kitchen setup. This can reduce your initial costs. With the support of our team, store operations stay lean and efficient, keeping operating costs low so you can focus on serving great food to your customers.
Reasons for investment
Simple operation and easy to train
Simple extension
Support site selection and settings
We will work closely with you to find and secure a suitable location to set up your own stall. Once a local location is secured, we will also take on the role of project manager to design and build your stall. This way, you'll be supported throughout the process and guided through the nuts and bolts of planning your store layout and executing your fit-out.
Ongoing training and support
We are committed to the success of your business and we will also provide you with training and support to provide you with improved methods and processes to manage your business.
版税:400 美元
价格合理的美味舒适食品。 除了将传统本地美食与现代相结合,融入全球文化之外,我们还希望为热爱美食的个人提供成为企业主的机会,并成为新加坡本地美食运动延续的一部分。
我们将为您和您的员工提供管理和运营商店所需的初始培训。 我们的在职培训方法可确保您有能力监督和管理业务的各个方面。 当您的网点开业时,我们也会派人员到您的网点进行早期现场监督和指导。
我们的概念不需要复杂的厨房设置。 这可以减少您的初始成本。 在我们团队的支持下,商店运营保持精简高效,保持较低的运营成本,以便您可以专注于为顾客提供美味的食物。
我们将与您密切合作,寻找并确保合适的地点来设立您自己的摊位。 一旦确定了当地位置,我们还将担任项目经理的角色来设计和建造您的摊位。 这样,您将在整个过程中得到支持,并指导您完成规划商店布局和执行装修的具体细节。