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Listing Id: 35339 Last Refreshed: 10/02/2025 Total Views: 1319

Singapore’S Best Bread Supplier For Takeover

Bukit BatokBakeriesFood and Beverage Distributors
Asking Price: S$90,000(Neg.)
Business For Takeover
Look For Investor
Look For Partner


  • Premise Type N/A
  • Premise Size N/A
  • Monthly Rental S$2,000
  • Rental Desposit N/A
  • Revenue N/A
  • Liability S$0
  • Gross Profit N/A
  • Net Profit N/A
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Full Time
  • Staff 3
  • Established 2012
  • Source Direct Seller

Reason For Sale

The current owners are focusing on their other ventures


well established business to take over:
Organic & sustainable
Organic on the lane, organic inside. Guaranteed! Sustainability is our top priority. Haubis’ products are organic, health and produced in Austria. Therefore you can be certain that you are enjoying baguettes, breads and rolls that are all pure and natural.

Pre-baked & easy to use
Haubis’ products are pre-baked and thus ready to bake as soon as you receive them. It is possible for you to have absolutely fresh baguettes, breads, rolls with lowest amount of effort. All you need is a baking oven.

Gluten-free & healthy
Haubis offers a big variety of gluten-free bread, such as baguettes, breads and rolls.

Highest quality & top standards
Haubis’ products are quality-tested and certified. From the field right into the bakery they ensure top standards through unbroken inspection systems on the highest level.

if you been reading on till now, Thank you for your interest,
Are you already Familiar with the brand and /or already a F&B supplier?

They are frozen goods that have to be stored and transported at minus 18 which is an expensive challenge.
you should know what you are getting into with this.and to push the company to the next level you almost certainly would need your own freezer truck and Cold storage facility.

Business Operation

Thank you for your interest, Are you Familiar with the brand and /or already a F&B supplier?

They are frozen goods that have to be stored and transported at minus 18 which is an expensive challenge.

you should know what you are getting into with this.and to push the company to the next level you almost certainly would need your own freezer truck and ideally also your own gold storage facility
Support and Training
Background & Skills

Property Information

Yes, it can relocate to other place
Yes, it can work at home
Home Base
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