【wanna become the early investors of the next PropNex/ERA Realty?】 ❤️ If you missed out on becoming early investors of PropNex / ERA Realty years ago, today PropNex / ERA is valued at S$680m/S$140m respectively on SGX! ❤️【Johor Land Marketing Co ~ QQ International】seeks early investors【Invest S$100k | for 2% shareholding | @ Valuation S$5m】 ❤️ QQ aims to become the 3rd Public Listed Real Estate Agency on SGX. The only difference is that QQ sells Johor Land, instead of Spore properties! ❤️ QQ is now the Sole Exclusive Agent for Raffles Agri Land Msia (www.rafflesagriland.my) to sell more than >S$500m worth of Johor Lands & Farms! 💚 Limited to 20 early investors 💚【Contact】WhatsApp +60175611311 (Dato Tan's office)