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Listing Id: 21667 Last Refreshed: 02/03/2021 Total Views: 2294

(Expired)Profitable Car Workshop For Sale With Commerical Property.

BedokAuto Repair and Service Shops
Asking Price: S$800,000
Business For Takeover
Look For Investor
Look For Partner


  • Premise Type Office Building
  • Premise Size
  • Monthly Rental S$0
  • Rental Desposit S$0
  • Revenue S$50K - 100K
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit N/A
  • Net Profit S$20K - 50K
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Full Time
  • Staff N/A
  • Established N/A
  • Source Direct Seller

Reason For Sale

Owners wants to move on to new venture with lesser time commitment.


Hello everyone,

Owner of a profitable and reputable car repair workshop looking to sell.

Estimated value of commerical property: $550k
Lease hold: 30 yrs from 2012
Size: 1394sqft.
Addition estimated 300sqft worth of loft space renovation done in the workshop.
Esitmated Inventory and assets: 100k
Location of property is at Kaki Bukit and it is a prime unit situtated at the top floor with ample parking space.

Currently there are 2 Msian worker plus the owner running the shop.
The experienced workers have 3 and 6 years history with the company respectively.

Lots of potential to expand and generate new income steam for new owners if he/she has the resources and time to do so.
The company has grown year to year just base on word of mouth and one simple listing at sgcarmart.
Customer data base standing at around 2000 regular customers plus a few commerical dealings with companies.
Potential growth is huge for online branding and marketing for new owners.
Currently Google 4.7 Stars rating, providing exception repair services.

Owner will pass on knowledge and SOP to new owner and help for up to 6 months to onboard new owner.
Peak year sales close to $1 million revenue.
Average monthly revenue between 30-60k
This is a ready to go business and can generate you income from day 1.
You will breakeven within 2 - 3 years with the current regular customer base.

This is a recession proof business and owner is not desperate to sell.
The workshop has built itself to be a reputable and trustworthy brand over the last 7 years and thus collected a pool of loyal customer.
He wishes that the new owner is someone who has some experience or at least be willing to put in the hard work and take over the current brand and not let his past effort gone to waste.

Total Property Value and inventory asset is estimated at 650k
Owner is asking for 800K or next best offer.

Interested parties can whatsapp
+65 9114 1786 (Jack)
+65 9783 5347 (Adam)

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