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Listing Id: 34518 Last Refreshed: 27/12/2024 Total Views: 1227

Profit 03 Wholesale Retail Mini Mart Chains For Sale

SerangoonConvenience StoreSupermarketsWineLiquor and Tobacco Stores
Asking Price: S$1,600,000(Neg.)
Business For Takeover
Look For Investor
Look For Partner


  • Premise Type Commercial Street
  • Premise Size 800 sqft / 74 sqm
  • Monthly Rental S$5,000
  • Rental Desposit S$12,600***
  • Revenue S$440,000
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit S$92,610
  • Net Profit S$39,600
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Full Time
  • Staff 3
  • Established 2017
  • Source Direct Seller
  • ***Inlcude in the selling price

Reason For Sale

retire, mother medical problem.


8 years of history with wholesale mini-mart chains with 3 shops for sale, dealing with wholesale retail sales of cig liquors. 3shops can offer spore S1.6m ;1 shop spore $600k each

sales $4.8m to $5.1m a year
gross profit 21-25% $1m - $1.2m a year
net profit 9-10% $432,000 - $480,000 a year
px includes a 53k deposit, 450k stock,cig,liquors,beers, groceries, and all chillers, freezers, POS, CCTV, cash registers, radios, cabinets, rackings systems, shelves.. etc.
Turnkey, ready 8 years, customers, followers, and wholesale cig, liquors, and mini mart businesses, and potential for 10-30 branches expansion.
Immediately change owners, shares, and start operation and expansion.
shop locations
3 St George Rd, 01-75, 320003. ;9-1130pm. Rent 5000 a month
1 Lor 22 Geylang, 01-03, 398664  ;12-1130pm; rent 3900 a month
281 Geylang Rd 389329; 12-12 pm; rent 8500 a mth
See owner Mr. Lee.;selling reasons- owner retired, medical problem
what app 87619896 mr lee

擁有 8 年歷史的小型批發連鎖店,擁有 3 家銷售店,從事菸酒批發零售。 S1.6m spore dollars;3 店可特價 - 新加坡 $1.6m;1 店新加坡 $600k 每間

年銷售額 480 萬至 510 萬元
毛利 21-25% 每年 100 萬元 - 120 萬元
淨利 9-10% 每年 $432,000 - $480,000
px 包括 53k 押金、450k 庫存、香菸、酒類、啤酒、雜貨以及所有冷水機、冰櫃、POS、閉路電視、收銀機、收音機、櫥櫃、貨架系統、貨架等。
交鑰匙服務,8 年準備就緒,客戶、追隨者以及批發香菸、酒類和迷你超市業務,並有 10-30 家分店擴張的潛力。
3 St George Rd, 01-75, 320003。房租5000一個月
1 Lor 22 芽籠, 01-03, 398664 ;12-1130pm;房租3900一個月
芽籠路 281 號 389329;中午 12 點至 12 點;租金8500一個月
見業主李先生;出售原因- 業主退休,健康問題
什麼app 87619896 李先生

親愛的先生/女士,我要賣3家利潤不錯的店舖生意,1次,30%定金和1次,70%尾款和股份轉讓,你可以去看,看,觀察,每天晚上8點到12點,查看收銀機pos ,銀行對帳單。

minimart chains monthly profit and costs
estimate average monthly analysis for 2024
3 st george 1-75 281 geylang rd 1 lor 22 geylang 1-3 per mth per year
sales 180000 134000 94000 408000 4896000
gross profit 21% est. 37800 28140 19740 85680 1028160

costs est.
salary 2300 1800 1800 5900 70800
part timers 960 240 240 1440 17280
sp elec 1400 1300 1200 3900 46800
rent 5000 8500 3900 17400 208800
total costs 9660 11840 7140 28640 343680

net profit 9% est. 16200 12060 8460 36720 440640
sheng siong net profit 10%, giant ,cold storage 10%
ntuc 10%, prime 10%

area sqf est. 900 1500 500
lease 7+3yrs 3+3yrs 4+3yrs
lease start 01/08/2024 15/07/2024 21/01/2024
lease expired 30-Jul-31 15-Jun-27 21/01/2028

Business Operation

near MRT
heavily crowded place 
near many coffee shops and many people, many schools, etc.
wholesale and retail and many online marketing eg Shopee, Carousell, Fairmart,youtube.  and offline promotion
many offer promotion programs
with capital can expand 10-30 more wholesale mini marts.
Expansion Potential
Support and Training
trainign provided
Background & Skills

Property Information

Premise Status
Lease Term
3 St George rd,01-75 ,320003. ;9-1130pm
1 lor 22 Geylang,01-03 ,398664  ;12-1130pm
281 Geylang rd 389329; 12-12pm
Premises Details
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