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Listing Id: 14853 Last Refreshed: 19/07/2019 Total Views: 7086

(Expired)Opportunity To Takeover A F&B Business With Heritage Recipe (投资- 制面厂)

WoodlandsDrink Manufacturers
Asking Price: S$500K - 1M
Business For Takeover
Look For Investor
Look For Partner


  • Premise Type N/A
  • Premise Size N/A
  • Monthly Rental S$0
  • Rental Desposit N/A
  • Revenue S$100K - 200K
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit S$100K - 200K
  • Net Profit N/A
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Full Time
  • Staff 0
  • Established 2015
  • Source Direct Seller

Reason For Sale




· Owner of a Singapore start up business that specializes in the R&D and manufacturing of fresh noodles (“hereinafter referred to as “Subject”) is opened to divesting the business with its recipe and manufacturing technology in its entirety or part thereof.(难得一家承传传统制面秘方的企业,准备出售其业务,配方和制造技术)


· Subject was incorporated in December 2015 and specializes in R&D, manufacturing and sales of fresh noodles (2015年创办).
· Heritage noodle making recipe and formula passed down from re-known noodle making master (承传传统制面秘方).
· R&D and production process innovation capability a core business focus and competitive edge, enable regular development of new products for customers (着重生产研发).
· Variety of product range including:
o heritage Taiwan Yi Mein (传统南投意面),
o traditional egg noodle (鸡蛋面),
o healthy flavors such as red cargo rice noodle (红糙米面) ,
o high-end and hugely popular shiitake noodle (香菇拉面),
o and many new flavor noodle product developments in the pipeline (玉米,手工意面,其他新口味面条).
· Leverage on modern machinery and innovative production process which enable automation of a large part of its noodle-making process, improved productivity level with a daily production capacity of approximately 3,000 kg per day per production line (自动化生产线,每天产量:约三千公斤).
· Subject has a track record of supplying to restaurant chains, food chains and food stalls (客户群包括熟食店,餐饮业,餐馆, 饭店等)
· Revenue growth at CAGR 250% since startup. Production machinery investment cost approximate SGD100k (年均收入复合年均增长率 250%).
· Owner divesting for relocation plan and spiritual development motivation (个人/宗教信仰理由,准备出售)


· High gross margin with highly automated production process and high productivity (高毛利润率,高度自动化的生产流程和高生产率)
· Automation allows for scalable production volume without new major capex outlay (自动化生产允许可扩展的生产量,而无需新的主要资本支出)
· Transfer of know-how and technology including (转让技术诀窍和技术包括):
o heritage noodle making recipe and formula (传统面条制作配方和配方),
o R&D capability (研发能力),
o noodle production process methodology (面条生产过程方法)
o new flavor noodle product development in the pipeline (新口味面条产品开发正在筹备中)
· Owner willing to stay on for 1 year to ensure smooth and complete transfer of business and know-how (业主愿意留任1年,以确保业务和技术的顺利和完整转移).

Business Operation

Yes, seller financing is available.
Seller Financing

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