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Listing Id: 21972 Last Refreshed: 04/10/2021 Total Views: 5325

(Expired)Luxury Watch MarketPlace! Looking For Investors/Marketer/Coders!

Central AreaFashionService
Asking Price: S$100K - 200K
Business For Takeover
Look For Investor
Look For Partner


  • Premise Type N/A
  • Premise Size
  • Monthly Rental S$100
  • Rental Desposit S$0
  • Revenue N/A
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit N/A
  • Net Profit N/A
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Investor
  • Staff N/A
  • Established N/A
  • Source Direct Seller

Reason For Sale

sourcing for co-founders, web developer/ marketer/ investor


an online market place for luxury watches in singapore. where buyer and sellers meets.

how/why i started doing this:
i was selling my watch then buying rolex and i found diffcuilty doing it. so i want to solve this issue, bringing a niche luxury watch only market place. where seller can list their watch for sales and buyer can browse, contact, reach the seller.

My vision:
southeast asia all have this luxury watch selling issue due to no platform, no security so i feel there is a chance of expanding overseas. luxury watches market are blooming and even the used watches of many brands.

why do i think this can work out?
currently, carousel is doing it and have alot of traffic. its proven by them that this industry, system can work well.

what are the invested funds for?
will be put into developing the web, giving more user friendly platform with more functions. part of it will be pump into marketing as we will need supply before demand to rotate within.

current condition:
-finalisting website for launch
-chat system ready
-listing and account verifcation ready
-login through email/google or facebook ready
-web design/ layout/ UX/ UI /domain/ server ready
-cyber sercuity/ ux tested.
-haven do company on arca
-logo done
-filter bar ready
-landing page/faq as such
take note that we are not having any revenue yet.

best type of co-founder/investor needed:
-experience in online market place
-is a luxury watch reseller
-experience in marketing (marketers please contact me)
-able to do critical thinking together and scale our business and grow it to the next level
-Coders/ web developer( im using marketplace platform, need some coding to be done) please contact me

people in the team:
me only

current competitor:

tell me whats ur view and how can we scale it before we start considering you joining our team.
i will not talk too much of my system, future plans and future ways of profits here.
hit me up, if you're interested and thanks for reading till the end. cheers!

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