We have been in this Spray Painting industry for over 40+ years with a huge customer base.
This business (SME) has been handed down by our father and we have left with 2 loyal and experienced workers who are at their retiring age.
These faithful workers are unable to cope with the daily demands of customers who send their vehicles for repair and spray painting work daily.
We are located at a prime location, a highly visible corner unit along Sin Ming Industrial Estate and we have ample space to receive a good number of cars daily.
There is also a car heater room ready in placed along with the paint material system.
We have no intention to further expand this business so we are looking for potential buyers who are interested to take over.
The business is lucrative and has a great potential for growth and expansion if you are able to bring in young and trained workers.
Lease contract is under JTC of a monthly rental of $4193.67 until 31/07/2025 before renewal.
Do contact me for more information if interested.
出售原因 (Reason to sell):车行经验丰富的工人已到退休年龄,无法应付日常需求。
我们从事汽车喷漆行业已有 40 多年的历史,拥有庞大的客户群。
JTC 的租赁合同的月租为 $4193.67 新元,有效期至 2025 年 7 月 31 日,然后续签。