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Listing Id: 31359 Last Refreshed: 28/03/2024 Total Views: 1449

(Expired)Korean Restaurant Expansion Looking For Investors Giving Very Good Returns

HougangKorea Restaurants
Asking Price: S$1M - 5M
Business For Takeover
Look For Investor
Look For Partner


  • Premise Type Shopping Mall
  • Premise Size 1500 sqft / 139 sqm
  • Monthly Rental S$22,000
  • Rental Desposit S$44,000
  • Revenue S$100K - 200K
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit S$20K - 50K
  • Net Profit S$20K - 50K
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Full Time
  • Staff 16
  • Established 2010
  • Source Direct Seller

Reason For Sale

We are looking for investors in order to expand our restaurant in order to open to franchise.


We are an active Korean Restaurant called Hansik Korean Restaurant.
It is believed to be the 2nd oldest Korean restaurant in Singapore.
This restaurant is located in Heartland Mall. We have good customer turn out.
We have recently come up with our new menu and have added desserts.
Our dessert includes Korean Ice-Kachang and various delicacies.
We also have a variety of palatable cuisines including very popular barbecues.
Many people of all works of life come to dine in including Koreans.
Please google to see more details of our Hansik Korean Restaurant.
We are looking for an investment sum of $300,000 for our expansion.
We are willing to give 5% our dine in revenue.
This is a very attractive deal. Please call us at Tel : 9449.1865 to discuss the lucrative proposal.
We hope to hear from you, in order for you, to receive the very good opportunity in a very wise investment.
Thank you and best regards.

Business Operation

The is a good class Korean Restaurant with fully airconditioned kitchen.
The dining area has comfortable sitting place and can sit about 50 people at one time.
You may google to view more facilities in Hansik Korean Restaurant.
We do not face competition because the mall does not allow another Korean restaurant.
We have a great potential in expanding our business to franchise our restaurant.
Expansion Potential

Property Information

3 years
Lease Term
We are located at Heartland Mall at Kovan just beside Kovan MRT.
Premises Details
Yes, it can relocate to other place

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