Foot massage shop at Tampines area (nearest mrt : Tampines east ) 800m from Tampines east mrt Shop size :700+ sqft
Include: Rental deposit 18K (can take back if didn’t continue to rent after lease Nets $200 deposit $5k cash disburse from government in 1-3 months time Total value : $23200
Renovation and equipment: Foot massage sofa x 5 Massage bed x 4 Washing machine x 1 Dryer x 1 Fan / table / chairs POS system 3k+ cctv x 3 spots speaker x 2 secretary fee paid till 4/8/2025 already Total value : $60k +-
Potential income: Outside two Yellow box can rent out (daily rent $50+- Can divide into two shop , half shop market rental price around $4.5k (subject to landlord approval ) experience employees ready (can continue if needed)